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Why It


What is


We are a mobile marketplace-SaaS platform that redefines commitment to community through the live events industry. With the ease of digital ordering, Gourmeal will leverage advanced data collection and analysis, to empower local businesses to provide the best services possible to their consumers.

Enhanced Visibility &

Audience Reach

Gourmeal is your key to elevating the visibility of your business, making it seamless for consumers to connect with these local gems. With robust vendor profiles, detailed product listings, and enticing promotions, our app highlights each vendor's distinct offerings to a broader and more diverse audience. 

Access to Premium


Vendors have regular access to top-tier events. Vendors don't have to wait for lucrative opportunities; Gourmeal opens the door to participating in more events yearly. As a result, vendors can potentially generate their revenue much more quickly, often within just five to seven events. This frequent access to premium events streamlines revenue generation and plays a pivotal role in ensuring a consistent income flow throughout the year. 


Ordering Experience

One of Gourmeal's standout features is its user-friendly ordering system, simplifying the process of choosing and enjoying food and drinks at events. Attendees can place advance orders for various items like food, drinks, and alcohol, eliminating the need to wait in line. This not only improves time management but also enhances the event experience by offering a smooth, convenient, and diverse selection of options. 

Efficient Order


Gourmeal's technology simplifies the order processing system for vendors. Vendors can efficiently fulfill customer orders with quicker service and less order inaccuracies. Customers get correct orders promptly and enjoy their experience.

Business Growth &


Gourmeal empowers vendors to grow and advance their businesses with cutting-edge technology and invaluable resources. Through our unique platform, vendors gain access to real-time data insights that can make all the difference. With instant analytics, vendors can proactively restock items before they run out, ensuring they never miss out on valuable opportunities. 



Through digital ordering with Gourmeal, local businesses gain access to advanced data insights, optimizing services for consumers. We empower vendors with high-capacity transaction processing, streamlined inventory management, and real-time order updates, enhancing efficiency and customer service. Event producers benefit from a powerful console for event setup, providing control over vendor applications throughout the planning process.



Gain insights into customer behavior, encompassing their purchase history and preferences. This invaluable data becomes the compass guiding decisions on future events.  Vendors can craft tailored promotions, amplifying engagement, and delivering benefits that enrich both sponsors and consumers.

Targeted Marketing

& Promotions

Gourmeal's platform equip event producers with a dynamic toolkit for seamless event promotion. It boasts powerful features such as geotargeted advertising, personalized recommendations, and comprehensive event listings. With these tools in hand, event producers can fine-tune their marketing strategies, reaching specific demographics and capturing the interest of their target audiences.

Enhanced Exposure &


Collaborating with Gourmeal isn't just about maximizing revenue; it's also a potent means to elevate brand exposure. Vendors can display their products to a broader and more diverse audience, solidifying their brand's presence in the market. Regular participation in premium events through the app can result in enhanced brand recognition and stronger loyalty from eventgoers. 



Gourmeal offers vendors valuable insights and data analytics. Vendors can tap into real-time data regarding customer preferences, order patterns, and attendee behavior. With this information, vendors can make informed decisions about their offerings and marketing strategies. 

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